Using the IMET to identify priorities for management in two protected areas in Boa Vista, Cabo Verde
Cape Verde’s biodiverse protected areas face resource and data challenges. Fundação Tartaruga, with MAA-BV and BIOPAMA, works to protect them.
To share the wealth of global knowledge on aspects of Integrated Ocean Management (IOM) with the 22 countries of the Abidjan Convention’s region, the Mami Wata project takes advantage of existing IOM solutions that have been successfully implemented already. The Blue Solutions presented here are part of and featured on the Marine and Coastal Solutions Portal on the PANORAMA platform. These solutions are being contributed by a broad range of providers from across the planet.
“The training allowed me to better understand the spatial planning and to better organize myself in the management of the coastal space, as well as to better apprehend coastal landscapes and their planning”.
Cape Verde’s biodiverse protected areas face resource and data challenges. Fundação Tartaruga, with MAA-BV and BIOPAMA, works to protect them.
A novel method of market gardening was developed: Synecoculture, based on the high-density mixed association of edible plants without the application of tillage, fertilizer, and chemicals.
Soon after the first offshore oil field was discovered an intense public debate started in Mauritania about environmental and social risks of this sector.
Imraguen women are engaged in processing fishery products using different species of fish, the most famous is the yellow mullet.
The solution aims at sustainable development in coastal areas of the East Asian Seas region by reducing and preventing impacts of natural disasters, climate change and sea level rise.
This solution addresses the complexities of having multiple jurisdictions and interests involved in co-managing a very large and diverse area.
This solution helped to stop the poaching of sea turtles on the most important nesting beach of Côte d’Ivoire, the beach of Mani-Kablaké located west of the country.
PAEDE (Program to support Arable and Livestock Farmers for Local Development) formed the local community in sustainable techniques of agronomy and aims to raise the political, administrative and traditional awareness.
This solution ensured the local communities were actively engaged throughout the most recent planning process for the GBR Marine Park.
In West Africa, marine and coastal conservation is crucial. Community-driven MPAs like Joal-Fadiouth empower local communities and benefit ecosystems.
Participatory governance is a new experience developed by Senegal in the process of organizing, setting up and managing its network of marine protected areas.
Net-Works is an award-winning initiative that redesigns global supply chains to reduce marine plastic, replenish declining fish stocks and improve the socio-ecological resilience of marginalized coastal communities living in biodiversity hotspots of developing countries.