By: Jon C. Day
Organisation: ARC Centre for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University
Location: Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia
26 July 2016
Most of the islands in the GBR do form part of the World Heritage Area but the federal Marine Park does not extend above the low water mark. ©
Summary: This solution addresses the complexities of having multiple jurisdictions and interests involved in co-managing a very large and diverse area. Today complementary management and planning provisions apply in virtually all marine waters within the GBR, irrespective of the jurisdictional responsibility.
To share the wealth of global knowledge on the aspects of Integrated Ocean Management (IOM) with the 22 countries of the Abidjan Convention’s region, the Mami Wata project takes advantage of existing IOM solutions that have been successfully implemented already. The Blue Solutions presented here are part of and featured on the Marine and Coastal Solutions Portal on the PANORAMA platform. These solutions are being contributed by a broad range of providers from across the planet.