Launch of the Mami Wata webinar series
If you’re working in marine conservation and resources use, in government, private sector or civil society, and always wanted to learn more about Ocean Management, the Mami Wata project has the right webinar series for you. With this series, we’ll focus first on the three key components of the project´s approach to Integrated Ocean Management (IOM): CBD EBSAs, Marine Spatial Planning and State of Marine Environment Reporting.
In order to raise awareness and facilitate communications between practitioners in the region and globally, the webinar series will be used to provide knowledge exchange through sharing experiences, tools and solutions. The webinars will combine information from the project, country experiences, as well as other relevant projects and initiatives, and feature regional and international topical experts. Through the webinars, the participants will gain knowledge on topics and capacity relevant to the IOM tools EBSA, MSP and SoME. Each webinar will focus on a specific topic, and to serve both the French and English-speaking communities in the region, it will provide separate webinars in both languages.
The webinars are aimed at practitioners working in any field related to IOM, and they are suitable for the public and private sector, as well as civil society. A basic understanding of the ocean environment and governance frameworks will be useful.
The platform Zoom will serve as the webinar platform. Presentations will be made available for download to participants with low bandwidth.
List of topics and dates
Webinars on EBSAs
These webinars will focus on the CBD Ecologically and Biologically Significant Marine Areas. The EBSAs criteria are a powerful framework for identifying Special Places in our Ocean. Since their adoption in 2009, a series of regional workshop across the globe has made a wealth of experience on how to identify EBSAs, including in the South-East Atlantic. What is the data? What is significant, what isn’t? And once you have an EBSA, what do you do with it?
EBSAs in French (watch the webinar here)
EBSAs in English
Webinars on MSP (description and registration link to come)
MSP in English
MSP in French
Webinars on SoME (description and registration link to come)
SoME in French
SoME in English