Belize National ICZM Plan
The government of Belize passed in 1998 the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Act, which provided the Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute (CZMAI) with the mandate to develop a National Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Plan. The Plan was launched in 2016.
Located at the northeast coast of Central America, Belize´s coastal areas are famous for diverse marine habitats, ecosystems and nature attractions. The marine and coastal environment and resources are also essential for human well-being. As a result of population growth and rapid economic development (including activities such as fishing, aquaculture and tourism), the uses of the coastal zone have increased.
To be able to address the increasing demand for multiple uses and challenges, the government of Belize passed the CZM Act in 1998. Based on the Act, the CZMAI was mandated with the responsibility for designing a National ICZM Plan, which was launched in 2016. Its design was founded on strong science, and informed by an extensive stakeholder engagement process. The Plan provide recommendations on comprehensive actions that balance conservation ideals with the economic and social needs, ensuring sustainable coastal resources in the country’s future.
The National ICZM Plan can serve as example and inspiration for other countries which find themselves confronted with similar challenges. For more information, contact the Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute at: info@coastalzonebelize.org
Read or download the full Plan here:
Recommended citing: Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute (CZMAI). 2016. Belize Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan. CZMAO, Belize City.