Details Participatory governance of marine protected areas in SenegalParticipatory governance is a new experience developed by Senegal in the process of organizing, setting up and managing its network of marine protected areas.
Details East Atlantic Flyway partnership for the conservation of tidal flat ecosystems Banc d’Arguin – Wadden SeaEurope’s Wadden Sea (DK, DE, NL) and Mauritania’s National Park Banc d’Arguin (PNBA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2014 to protect the migratory birds.
Details Development of a community-based marine turtle conservation programThis solution addresses the killing of sea turtles, egg poaching and the unawareness on their importance in Sierra Leone.
Details Engaging the community in endangered species protectionThis solution addresses raising awareness and effectively engaging the community in endangered species protection and marine conservation.
Details Supporting the promotion of Imraguen fishery products in Banc d’Arguin NPImraguen women are engaged in processing fishery products using different species of fish, the most famous is the yellow mullet.
Details Addressing resource degradation to enhance climate change resilienceThe IUCN Ecosystems Protecting Infrastructure and Communities (EPIC) project, is using local knowledge to reforest areas, restore degraded lands and regulate natural resource use in the protected area.
Details Interactive and transparent approach in marine spatial planningThe solution addresses stakeholder participation for planning and management of Israel’s marine space.
Details Grenadines Marine Resource Space-use Information System (MarSIS)The Grenadines MarSIS illustrates how a participatory geographic information system (PGIS) approach supported the development of demand-driven information on marine resources and spatial uses of the transboundary Grenada Bank.
Details Strengthening Capacities in Coastal Spatial PlanningThe solution aims at sustainable development in coastal areas of the East Asian Seas region by reducing and preventing impacts of natural disasters, climate change and sea level rise.
Details A holistic strategy for Protected Area managementProtected Areas (PAs) are a powerful tool for biodiversity conservation. In Mexico, more than 175 federal PAs protect over 25.6 million hectares of habitats and landscapes.
Details Public participation to strengthen and legitimize planning processesThis solution ensured the local communities were actively engaged throughout the most recent planning process for the GBR Marine Park.
Details Effective zoning as a key spatial planning/management toolThis solution addresses how effective zoning has become a cornerstone for managing the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park.